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Bạn đang xem: The scent of a woman




Xem thêm: Học Cách Yêu Bản Thân Mình Trước, Yêu Bản Thân Trước, Cả Thế Giới Sẽ Theo Bạn


I loved this drama lớn bits, but not for the reasons I was meant to.Imagine you are sold a book with the cover of a travel guide và on reading discover that in fact it contains a lãng mạn novel. You are captivated by the story and read it to the end, but you"ll have to go out again to lớn buy that travel book you didn"t get in the first place.That"s exactly what happens when you start watching Scent of a Woman. You prepare yourself for a romantic comedy and find out that there isn"t even a hint of comedy. The scenes which are meant to elicit a laugh range from painfully embarrassing khổng lồ bitter-sweet.But I loved it nonetheless. If the definition existed, I"d gọi this drama an "urgent passion". Urgency is the undercurrent of the whole show, lớn the point as a viewer I found myself praying for more time along the main female character. And passion for life is the glue that keeps all plot lines together.The actors are amazing. All of them. I can safely say this is the best acted drama I"ve seen in a while. If you want lớn feel true empathy, cry, smile, grit your teeth or fall in love, watch this. The chemistry between the leads is tangible, và it grows so subtly & gradually it becomes a natural process in their story. I understood why they loved each other and not because the writer wanted me to, but because they were so incredibly believable.The same applies khổng lồ all the secondary characters. You"ll grow khổng lồ love them or hate them, they are not bi-dimensional people. They stay consistent to their nature và when/if they change they vày so without pomp or unbelievable u-turns.And I love that the message of this show is not a simple "live your life lớn the fullest". There"s so much more. As I see it, the main theme of Scent of a Woman is: we are not alone here; everything we do, & the way we bởi it, effects the lives of those around us in a huge domino effect.Message subtly told and beautifully executed.Photography & attention lớn details are spotless. I didn"t really care for the music, but this is just me. It was chosen with sense & I appreciated the fact that it was in line with the show: elegant. I"m glad they didn"t go for any lalala pop song, which would have ruined the mood.Without spoiling the end of it, I need to lớn say the last episode was simply perfect and beautiful, one of the reasons why I"m giving the drama a full 10.Therefore, I"m going out now to buy that travel guide book I wanted, but I"ll keep this beautiful love story bought by mistake on my shelf, for future re-reading/watching.

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