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Bạn đang xem: A little thing called first love




Xem thêm: Những Bài Thuốc Thần Kỳ Từ Cây Trắc Bách Diệp (Cây Thuộc Bài)


This drama is somewhat relateable aside from the love lines.First off, its a typical youth C-drama, female lead loves the popular, smart và handsome male lead. The character development in this drama is great especially with the female lead, Xia Miao Miao. She was initially a timid and shy girl but grew into a brave, confident, and independent girl because of her friends và because of her beloved Liang You Nian.Liang You Nian is the male lead of the drama. He"s your typical c-drama male lead. He"s sweet & nice lớn everyone except those who ticks him off or trying to lớn get with his girl. You can totally see his glare when someone gets too close khổng lồ Miao Miao. IT WAS ADORABLE! Back khổng lồ the story at hand, You Nian is someone who sticks to what he wants khổng lồ do & this trait of his helped Miao Miao switch her major lớn something that SHE herself really wanted to vì chưng from the beginning. That sparked the change in Miao Miao & how hard working she is in achieving her dreams. The relationship between the two leads started later because Miao Miao had a crush on You Nian since high school và (spoiler alert) Liang You Nian did as well, however he didn"t exactly confirm this until later in university. It was đáng yêu when they got together, they held hands, hugged, not much kissing but other than that its adorable seeing them together & working together, etc. The drama also focused on other couples Lin Kai Tuo, You Nian"s younger step brother (its funny because the actor playing Kai Tuo is way older than Kuan Lin(actor playing Liang You Nian). XD Kai Tuo was coupled with He Xin (Liang You Nian"s cousin.) I call them the temper couple cause they both have anger issues/temper. Hhahaha Another character is Wang Yi Chao và same-grade female character I forgot the name of albeit sh initially liked You Nian.Furthermore, the drama focused on family issues such as Liang You Nian"s family. His father married Kai Tuo"s mother. For a while this caused a disruption in the friend between Kai Tuo và You Nian. One misses their birth mother, và the other misses their birth father. As said before, this drama mentioned individual choices -such as majors in universities- if your family wants you khổng lồ take this major, but your hearts wants something else then follow it cause thats what Miao Miao ended up doing.Lets just say, You Nian influenced a lot of Miao Miao"s choices which eventually lead khổng lồ an argument I thought was pointless. Anyways, You Nian also said Miao Miao inspired him as well in ways that she never knew she could because she thought he"s "too high" for her. It just tells us that You Nian doesn"t care if you"re not the best looking person, its all about the personality and your actions & what you vì chưng with it. The acting in this drama is not amazing. I just want lớn say Kuan Lin is not an actor even though he technically acted. He just didn"t seem natural whatsoever. His expressions are stone cold aside from his smile - which is adorable but other than that his expressions in acting is terrible. Even the crying part was awkward - it had no feeling khổng lồ me. The female lead who played XIa Miao Miao did an okay, passable job. Overall, if you lượt thích youth dramas dealing with fashion design, architect, drawing, college life, family drama, friendship then this is for you. :)

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